You know your team is capable of more, but you’re unsure of how to get the best out of them.

You’re in the thick of it. Your leadership role is high-pressure, challenging, and doesn’t leave a lot of time to develop high-potential direct reports, eliminate internal silos, or build a high-performance team culture from scratch.

DON’T WORRY. You’re in just the right place.

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That’s where I come in.

I’m Elix Cintron. For over 20 years, I’ve been supporting executives in discovering who they are, regaining sight of what they’re most committed to, and creating a pathway to personal and professional fulfillment.

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Simply put: I’m in the transformation business.
— Coach Elix

I incorporate performance-based coaching, neuroscience, positive psychology, and my own coaching methodology—the G.R.I.P. Method—to serve executives, managers, and teams in the healthcare industry and beyond.

As your fearless ally, I’ll walk beside you to push through boundaries and embrace the challenges that spark growth and drive change at every level.

That’s executive leadership coaching at its best.


Certified Professional Coach

Certified through the College of Executive Coaching.

I also hold my Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coach Federation (ICF). The ICF is the only globally recognized governing body of the coaching industry; the PCC is the second highest credential awarded by the ICF, requiring over 125+ hours of training and over 500+ coaching hours.


Radio Host

I host a weekly call-in radio show on WARA 1320AM, "Get a G.R.I.P. with Coach Elix," every Friday at 1 PM Eastern.

Catch up on past episodes.

Certified in Positive Psychology-based Well-being Coaching

A joint program between NBME and the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC).

Corporate Leader

Prior to running my coaching business full time, I spent over 18 years as a corporate healthcare executive, empowering sales teams to achieve results well above the predictable trend.

Certified Conversational Intelligence® Coach

Conversational Intelligence® leverages the power of neuroscience to create profound and lasting transformation for individuals, teams and entire organizational cultures. Combining science and intuition, Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ) aspires to shift our world from I-Centric to WE-Centric, and architect conversational transformation on a neurochemical level.


Fellow at the Institute of Coaching at McLean, Harvard Medical School Affiliate

Elix Cintron 

P R O F E S S I O N A L C E R T I F I E D  C O A C H 

“Simply put: I’m in the transformation business.” 

–Coach Elix 

Elix Cintron is an authority in uncovering roadblocks preventing transformational change — leading to happier, more productive employees and greater business growth. His philosophy in working with his clients is simple: to strengthen your organization, you must focus on strengthening the people within it. 


With decades of C-level executive and team coaching experience in the healthcare industry and beyond, Elix specializes in awakening leaders to solve their upper limiting beliefs, sabotaging behaviors, and unconscious biases — moving them into sustainable excellence and self- awareness. His authentic coaching style is rooted in his own experience as a business leader together with his keen understanding of positive psychology and neuroscience. 

Elix’s clients and their companies become the model of transformation, no matter where they are on their journey. He has worked with both individuals and notable corporations, including C-Suite executives from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Falk Culinair USA, the National Latina Institute, and many others, including an Amazon bestselling author. His corporate clients include healthcare industry notables Kindred Healthcare, BayCare Health System, RehabCare, Ascend Hospice, the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, and Caregiver Inc. Thanks to his fluency in both English and Spanish, Elix is proud to serve leaders from a variety of professional and cultural backgrounds.  

Elix graduated from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, earned a masters degree in marketing communications, and is certified through the College of Executive Coaching. He holds his Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential from the International Coaching Federation, and is certified in both Conversational Intelligence® and Positive Psychology-based Well- being Coaching. His work has been featured in The Boston Globe. A life-long learner, Elix is currently in the process of becoming a Master Certified Coach—considered the gold standard in coaching and achieved by only 6% of credential holders in 89 countries. 

When he’s not supporting the success of C-Suite executives and healthcare organizations, you can find Elix enjoying everyday life on Cape Cod with his husband, dogs, and his circle of family and friends — the things he is most grateful for and have helped him achieve the success he enjoys today. He also hosts a weekly AM radio show on WARA 1320 called “Get a G.R.I.P. with Coach Elix.” 

“Elix is relentlessly driven to transform the lives of his clients and the companies they lead.”

Meet Coach Elix… by the numbers

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The area code for most of Puerto Rico, where I was born and raised. I came to the U.S. as a teenager to study — earning both my undergraduate and graduate degrees from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts.



The number of courses I think every dinner should have! The kitchen is my happy place. I’m always cooking, baking, and entertaining.

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The year I started my CrossFit journey—not knowing a single thing about it! It has completely transformed my life since. What I love the most about CF is the constant internal challenge to fight beyond what I think I’m capable of. This definitely strengthens my “get comfortable with being uncomfortable” muscle!



The number of years I’ve spent with my better half, my husband Steven. (You probably know him as Steven the Medium!) We met in 1993 at Club Café in Boston; I was there on a date with somebody else! The rest is history.

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I am a proud dog dad to four Japanese Chins and one cat—3 dogs, cat in spirit and Jango.


Every business starts with a


Mine? As a corporate executive, I witnessed many healthcare organizations experiencing high rates of employee turnover, poor internal communication, and leaders facing burnout.

This leaves those responsible for the success of the organization feeling frustrated and confused about how to resolve the issues that are holding the organization back.

The truth is, many leaders are under-equipped to do this.

So I said goodbye to 18 years in corporate life to start my own coaching business and help executives thrive — because I believe that when people thrive, organizations thrive too.

All companies invest in sales, marketing, and technology. It’s the ones that take the time to invest in their own growth and the growth of their teams — those are the ones that reach a different level.